We are delighted to be supported by the following local businesses and organisations.
SALISBURY CITY COUNCILLeader of Salisbury City Council, Councillor Jeremy Nettle said “Salisbury City Council is delighted to support this creative initiative as we learn to find new socially distanced activities. Bringing art out into the Market Square adds a wonderful vibrancy to our City.” 01722 343 860 The Guildhall, Market Place, Salisbury SP1 1JH |
WILTSHIRE COUNCILWiltshire Council’s Arts service aims to help and encourage everybody in the community to have equal access to a range of high quality arts opportunities, either as participants or audiences. We work in partnership with other organisations to make sure the arts opportunities on offer reflect the needs of the local community. The arts service hosts its own blog ‘The Arts In Wiltshire’. As well as being a creative space, the blog is a place for those working in arts and culture to keep up to date with jobs, opportunities, funding, resources and training. 0300 456 0100 County Hall, Bythesea Road Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8JN |
YOUNG GALLERYThe Young Gallery exhibits world class visual arts including national touring shows and works from its extensive collection. It is also deeply committed to supporting the arts in our community and is very pleased to support this project. 01722 343 275 The Young Gallery Salisbury, Market Place, Salsibury SP1 1BL |
PLAIN ARTS SALISBURYPLAIN ARTS SALISBURY is the leading visual arts network for Salisbury and the surrounding area, offering member artists and arts organisations support and networking opportunities and providing a window on the visual arts in Salisbury to individuals, organisations and businesses both here and further afield. i 07555 082 029 David Walker - PA co-ordinator |
SALISBURY GROUP OF ARTISTSSalisbury Group of Artists welcomes artists of all ages and abilities within the Salisbury area. Members have the opportunity to participate in a full programme of workshops, exhibitions and events, and receive a monthly Newsletter containing up to date information and articles relevant to the art scene. www.salisburygroupofartists.co.uk 01722 326 280 - 07496 894 568 Martin Webster - SGA co-ordinator |
WYLE VALLEY ART TRAILWylye Valley Art Trail is a 9-day biennial event which takes place in south west Wiltshire every 2 years. Since it was founded in 2001, it has grown to become Wiltshire's largest open artists' studios and exhibitions festival. The next Wylye Valley Art Trail will be 29 May - 6 June 2021. For more information, please contact Nick Andrew. Nick Andrew - WVAT co-ordinator |
ARTCAREArtCare is the arts in health service for Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust. Arts in health is widely recognised as a valuable asset to the quality of care provided in hospitals and healthcare settings. ArtCare aims to bring colour and inspiration to the Trust by delivering a quality arts programme. In all its activities, ArtCare is looking to reinforce the link between the arts and healthcare and to raise awareness of the importance of a creative hospital environment to patient and staff wellbeing. 01722 336 262 ext 5617
WILTSHIRE CREATIVEWiltshire Creative is rooted in, and draws inspiration from, the city of Salisbury and works beyond its boundaries and draws audiences from across the county and further afield. The creation of new work is at the heart of its programme, as it builds new relationships with audiences, artists and participants. |
CASTLE CAMERSThe staff at Castle Cameras go to work each day to make photography fun. That means being realistic about what we can achieve each day, being professional, checking that our prices are competitive and keeping our stock, displays and equipment up to date. Whether you're new to photography or an old hand, Jim, Matt and Sammie will welcome you to their shop for chat and/or to look at new and second hand equipment and will be more than happy to help in anyway with all things technical! 01722 339 909 11 Endless Street, Salisbury SP1 1DL |
SALISBURY PHOTO CENTREBring your photos to life! Salisbury Photo Centre is a well-established business with over 30 years of experience in photo printing. We are dedicated to providing you with high-quality prints and a professional service to match. From canvas prints to video processing, we can provide you with the perfect printing solution that meets your needs. www.salisburyphotocentre.co.uk 01722 337 165 |
FISHERTON FRAMINGFisherton Framing in Salisbury provides a professional, friendly service creating beautiful, high quality, bespoke frames to make your artwork look stunning. There is a wide range of mouldings and mountboards to choose from and the owner, Jules Wright, will help you to choose a style and design to frame your artwork that is as unique as you are. 07434 479 636 |
IJS WEBSITESIan at IJS websites hosts, supports and maintains the Salisbury Arts Scene website. As a photographer himself he is a fellow artist and always on hand to support the local art scene. He has built websites for many of Salisbury's artisans and businesses. |